About Hong Kong Cigar 香港雪茄
令整個購買雪茄的過程變成一種體驗! 一種享受!
「香港雪茄」由專人嚴選各式優質雪茄,讓你於舒適的雪茄店內進行選購,同時更可享用室內及「獨特」戶外兩大Tasting Room,於香港銅鑼灣鬧市中放慢節奏,於雪茄吧內投入如爵士樂一般的悠然輕鬆體驗。
Cigars are for enjoyment!
“Hong Kong Cigar” provides a premium shopping experience. There are two stylish Tasting Rooms with indoor and outdoor seating in our cigar shop. It is an ideal place to relax and socialize. We are proud to say “Hong Kong Cigar” is probably the coolest cigar lounge in Causeway Bay.
地址: 香港銅鑼灣駱克道520號2樓A
Address: Hong Kong Cigar, Flat A, 2/F., 520 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.